This article provides instructions on how to configure Windows Firewall with rules to allow TruFleet network ports to be opened.
Adding Firewall Rules to Windows 10 or 11
In the Windows search bar at the bottom left of the home screen, type Windows Defender Firewall.
Click Open to enter Windows Defender Firewall settings.
Click Advanced Settings.
Click Inbound Rules.
- Then on the right side of the screen, select New Rule.
Select Port for the Rule Type, then click Next.
- Consult the TruFleet Network Ports guide to identify the necessary ports for TruFleet. Please find the guide here: TruFleet Network Ports. Choose between TCP or UDP for "Does this rule apply to TCP or UDP". Then enter ports you obtained from the guide in the Specific local ports field with a comma separating each port and Click Next.
- Ensure Allow the connection is selected, then click Next.
- Specify when to apply the rule by selecting Domain, Private or Public. TruFleet typically functions on a Private network. If your network is Domain-controlled, select Domain. Click Next.
- Enter a Name and optional Description. It's recommended to name this rule Teldio TruFleet Ports and include the following in the description: "These are the ports required for the Teldio TruFleet application to function properly." Finally, click Finish.
- Your new Inbound Rules Firewall rules are now active in Windows:
- Follow steps 4 - 10 to configure Outbound Rules for the necessary ports as well.